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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We can thank the Chinese for this one

You know I had really intended to hold off on the whole post funny pictures of ridiculous things in Japan for a bit. It's kind of a cheap way to get laughs, and it will probably get old after awhile. But jesus this one was tee'd up for me. Here's another shot just to appreciate the scale of the things.
That mind you is a twenty or so person table underneath the bell. Now I know what you're thinking dear reader, "Oh in a city of 32 million people there's bound to be some ridiculous things, you probably found this image on the internet somewhere rode the train an hour, then spent another half hour wandering around to find this obscure place." That would be a perfectly reasonable thing to think, except that this is from a chinese cafe on the 2nd floor of the building where I live. I literally sleep 50 or so ft above this on the 7th floor.
A coworker and I decided to give the place a try after a few hours of apartment hunting. We were seated at the large table with the bell and sat there at least 20 minutes before realizing what was right infront of us. I think we even touched the bell wondering if it was metal (undetermined). When we realized what it was we looked around and saw the entire place was decorated along these lines. The only reason I didn't take more pictures was because I didn't want to seem too obnoxious after standing up and taking these two.

I will be investigating this further...

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