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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pharrell Williams in Tokyo

I posted a link to this on Facebook about a week ago, but I wanted to re-post it here. Pharrell Williams heads to post-quake Tokyo to talk to people about their experience, and how they think Japan will change in response to the recent disasters. The whole documentary is broken up into five short segments.

Now, Pharrell Williams isn't one of my usual go to's for social commentary, and nothing he says is particularly profound, but I think it's to his credit he just lets the people he meets in Tokyo speak for themselves.

My favorite thing about this film is the visuals. Many are Tokyo cliches, stations filled with tons of people, the skyline lit up at night, but they're cliches in large part because they reflect some truth about how one experiences Tokyo.

The parts that ring most true to me are where Williams gets led through some urban maze to some tiny bar/gallery/shop.


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