- You choose your seat when you purchase the ticket. Actually, I thought this was pretty smart. There was no pressure to get to the theater early, and this prevents the inefficient practice of small groups all sitting one seat apart from each other so bigger groups can't find seats.
- Ticket prices are higher, But they don't gouge you on the food. I'm getting the sense that there is less "cross-subsidization" in consumer pricing in Japan.
- The food is also pretty good
- Booze is available at the cafe, which you can hang out in because you don't have to save your seat.
Once seated the lights went down, and this very loud, intense, short movie was shown involving the movie theater...
No seriously it was really intense, full on sensory assault, like white knuckles holding on to the chair.
My advice would be to go mildly inebriated to help take the edge off.
I couldn't find the exact version I saw, but here's one along the same lines. Imagine you are watching this this on a giant screen filling up your entire range of vision, in a dark theater, and with a sound system turned up to 11.
I know I saw a different version, because I distinctly remember a rocket propelled toilet being fired from the jumbo jet robot.
As far as I can tell what's going on here is... well... actually... I've got nothing
I've noticed some page views coming from Japan, can someone here help me out here?
A lot of Japanese visual media seems, at least to this gaijin, to be really intense. Anime in particular. This seizure inducing media exists in sharp contrast to the general culture of civility and politeness. It's an interesting dichotomy that I don't understand.
Following this, um service announcement? commercial?, we were treated to previews.
Here's one involving a bunch of ninja's in training
Any guesses as to what the main plot arch here is?
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